Robbinsdale Area Schools

Rdale celebrates Black History on Wednesday, Feb. 12

Rdale celebrates Black History on Wednesday, Feb. 12

Music, dance, drumming and dinner will all be part of Rdale's annual Black History Month Celebration. This year's festive, student-focused event takes place 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 12, at Robbinsdale Middle School, 3730 Toledo Avenue North in Robbinsdale.

For the leads in Rdale’s Achievement and Integration Department, Beth Tepper and Tony Patterson, racial equity work is a lifestyle – not just a month in the year. “Great things continue to happen in our communities of color,” says Patterson, “and it’s always important to focus on Black excellence.”

The Black History Month Celebration on Feb. 12 will do just that.

Following a welcome from Superintendent Dr. Teri Staloch, performances will include the FAIR Crystal Middle School Choir led by Middle School Music Educator of the Year Kimberly Keaton, third graders from FAIR Pilgrim Lane, and African student groups from Armstrong and Cooper High Schools. 

Brother Ghana – who has taught drumming and dance at Rdale's Freedom Schools in the summer – will lead the finale. Dinner will follow, with catering provided by Soul Bowl and halal sambusas from Franklin Deli.

Black history is American history

Trudy Monette of Stages Theatre Company teaches theatre at FAIR Pilgrim Lane and helped develop the “Black History is American History” presentation to be excerpted at the Black History Month Celebration on Feb. 12. 

“I had the idea after an African American student told me, ‘I hate Black History Month. All we talk about is slavery and when we couldn’t drink from the same water fountains.’” Monette said this was the impetus to focus on unsung heroes from Black history, such as unheralded inventors whose inventions are used daily.

At the Feb. 12 program, Monette’s students will present an excerpt involving some 20 students. Rehearsals are well underway and, says Monette of the third-grade performers, “They’re rockin’ it.”

Focus on the positive

Hosted by Rdale's Achievement and Integration Department, the Black History Month Celebration focuses on a positive observance of Black history. 

"We need to be intentional about celebrating," said Patterson. "We need to celebrate Black figures prominent in the world and also in our community here. Right now is a time for uplifting and unity.

"This program in Rdale will be great for our community," Patterson asserted.

Other events and celebrations are taking place in Rdale’s schools throughout February. Students may decorate classroom doors with scenes from Black history, create visual exhibits in their lobby display cases, and use their building’s closed circuit televisions to highlight stories of famous and not-so-famous Black trailblazers. 

Cooper High School’s Student Council will host its annual Black History Month Expo. The event features interactive booths, shops, and performances. At Armstrong High School, the new Black Student Union will host its first spirit week.