Connecting families, caregivers, teachers and staff
The Zachary Lane Elementary (ZLE) Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) exists to promote the social, emotional and academic well-being of all students. In collaboration with school families, teachers, and administrators, the ZLE PTA works to raise funds and develop programs that support engaging enrichment opportunities and more for the entire ZLE community.
Connecting families, caregivers, teachers and staff
The Zachary Lane Elementary (ZLE) Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) exists to promote the social, emotional and academic well-being of all students. In collaboration with school families, teachers, and administrators, the ZLE PTA works to raise funds and develop programs that support engaging enrichment opportunities and more for the entire ZLE community.
Main Contact
Zachary Lane Elementary PTA
*Booster Clubs, Parent-Teacher-Student Organizations (PTO) and Parent-Teacher Associations (PTA) are separate entities from the school district. They are typically formed as non-profit organizations. For the full information on guiding principals go to our Booster-PTO-PTA Accounting and Operations page.